Location information
Information about weather station location
Where are the measurements made?
Measurement point is located within 2 km radius from Mäntsälä center.
Temperature sensor is located on a southern wall of a building, in a shade. During intense sunshine,
the wall gathers heat, which in turn results in higher temperatures than official temperature measurements
show. However, this is our yard micro climate and I'm happy with the results.
Where in Finland is Mäntsälä?
Mäntsälä is located in southern Finland, approx. 60 km north from Helsinki and 44 km south from
Lahti, on the road E75.
Where in the World is Mäntsälä?
Mäntsälä is located approximately on the same latitude as Falun in Sweden, Bergen in Norway,
Altay in Russia and Anchorage in Alaska, United States.
Mäntsälä in the net